A. THE CONCEPT OF MAN authoritative
I.1. the origin of the concept development
The concept of man's dignity, or the Big Man is in use by the anthropologists to label the traditional political leaders in the region - Oceania cultural areas, particularly in Melanesia, in fact come from free translation of local terms used by local residents to name the people important in their own community. Essay discusses the history of the use of the concept, written by L. Lindstrom (1981:900-905), shows that the history of the Big Man from the everyday vokabuleri a scientific concept has a long peoses. During the 19th century and until the mid-20th century, researchers in the Melanesian islands are always using the concept of the chief, headman or chief, to call on community leaders that they describe.
The concept that the chief is not used anymore because of the meaning contained in these concepts are not reflected in the leadership system in many societies in Melanesia and replace it with a variety of other concepts, such as influential man (Powdermarker 1944:41), Head Man (Williams 1936:236 ; Hogbin 1952: Index; 1964:62; Belshaw 1954: 108; Pospisil 1963:48), Center Man (Hogbin 1939:62), strong Man (Bendt 1969:335; Du Toit 1975:385), manager (Burridge 1969: 38, 1975; Scheffler 1965:22), magnate (Chowing and Goodenough 1965-66:454), the director or executive (Salisbury 1964:236), and Of course the big man. In the 1950s and 1960s, the competition between these terms for a place in terms of treasure and anthropologists in the competitive situation gradually emerged that the term big-man as the typical anthropological concept is widely accepted to indicate a type or system leadership characteristic essentially contrary to the basic characteristic of the chief's leadership system.
The concept of the big man himself is already in use long before, for example, by M. Mead, in his work, sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies (1935:326), but the transition from the common language (common parlance) into the language of anthropology is very slow. The concept is new to the concept contained in the official and anthropology through the work Lexikon MD Sahlins, a renowned and always quoted that, "Por Man, Rich Man, Big Man, Chief" (1963) and later reinforced by K. Burridge, through his work, "The Melanesian Manager", which is dedicated to the memory of a prominent political anthropology EE Evans-Pritchard (1975:86-104).
I.2. Male traits charismatic
The concept of Big Man or dignified man, used to one type of political leadership that characterized by the authority (authority) on the basis of personal ability to allocate and reallocate resources - an important resource to the public (Sahlins 1963; Claessen 1984 in Van Bakel et al; 1986:1). The nature of this achievement led to the opinion that the most important features of a person who becomes the Big Man is a person with skill in manipulating the people with the nature of achievement (achievement) This system is characteristic lack stabilannya, as he always worried whether originating from inside or outside (Van Bakel et al. 1986:3). Implications of system instability that is based on the principle of this achievement made by Van Bakel et al. is the opportunity that samabagi every member of society, especially the men who had grown according to the size of the respective communities, to seize competitive position of the leader. Dignified man is a microcosm of society and therefore the status of the man commanding the subject of attention of everyone in the community.
According to A. stratheren (1979:214) there are two arenas that are used to capture the position of male authority. Two arenas are internal relations and relations eksteren. It is meant by internal relations is one attempt to obtain and increase the influence and excellence within their own clan. While eksteren relationship is defined as a person to undergo successful relationships with external parties composed of allies, former enemies and the relationship between male authority. In general, individuals - individuals who work in two arenas are recognized as a major and authoritative men who dapt superior position for many years.
Another common Cirri usually used to distinguish the political system of male authority system-another political system is that the system he did not have organizational authority with division of labor between leaders servants. That the population in Melanesia formed by social entities that are politically and economically to stand on its own. Such conditions, according to K.E. Read (1959:425), apparently does not provide opportunities for the growth of bureaucracy in the system the principle of male authority in Melanesia.
Characteristics - leadership traits authoritative men in the system as above causes S. Epstein, who managed to call someone to come in and act as a leader in the arena of male authoritative leadership, "a well-rounded man of political expertise or political expert real (1972:42) and D. Riesman, (1950) and K.E. Read (1959:425), calling such a person autonomous single leader or a leader.
Has been stated above that the basic principle of the system is the authoritative male achievement based on the quality of individual skills. The study - an ethnographic study of male authority indicates that these attributes are used as benchmarks to measure a person's ability to be a leader, according to most writers and, as summarized by A. Chowing (1979:71), is wealth, a real form of economic capacity. Although wealth is a very important attribute, but the position of leader can not be achieved through wealth alone. Another attribute that must have also is being generous. This attitude must be expressed through concrete actions, such as to divide the property to someone else (redisitribusi), through the contributions and gifts during the wedding ceremony, ritual or other customary party.
Actions contribute or gift to others is called by M. Mauss, a gift. Gift or gifts that are not directly form a bond between the two parties, is the peberi and recipients. Mauss, further argued that granting it contains what is called by him alone total prestation (1924:227). It is meant Mauss, with a total ptestation, is that in addition to the real shape of the object (objects) are given, also contained within other elements of the economic element, the element of religious, legal element, the element of beauty and political elements. On the whole it was forming the binding force and is a driving force for the recipient to do something again is slim or indirectly in the form of objects or services to the poster.
In terms of politics, giving in any form is for the providers of capital to increase support, supporters, in order to achieve political objectives. More and more people are given gifts and more are getting help, the more powerful political position of the giver. Providing used for certain political interests that causes FG Bailey (1971) called the provision a "poison" for the recipient and J. Van Baal, mengkontatir gift as something that is sometimes dangerous to society (1975:23).
Deeds give a gift or ongoing donations can unilaterally cause the formation of a dependency relationship that is asymetrik, like a patron-client relationships, where the giver role as patron, while the recipient is a client.
In his authoritative leadership system, this kind of relationship is very important, because a man can be charismatic and memanipulai wealth other advantages they have to gain support and sympathy from the peneima assistance. Wealth in the leadership system at once dignified man sibolik value and real value. Sibolik value represents the power contained in it and the real value refers to the object or the property itself. That is why wealth is used as a means of legitimation of power (Cohrance 1970:5).
Other requirements to be met by an authoritative male leaders to supporters loyal to him according to Sahlins (1968:164), is that he must show certain skills, such as good farming, hunting panda, panda clever diplomacy and speech, has the power magic, panda lead rituals and courage to lead the war.
Various attributes given to a man's dignity as above often lead to a general similarity, as oalah a big man should have all these attributes. Many ethnographic examples show also that not absolutely all of these attributes must be possessed by a person to become a leader in authoritative male system. In addition, ethnographic data indicate also that there are differences in emphasis on certain attributes that are important between the community and the public one another. In other words, there are differences in the hierarchical order of these attributes, for example, in a society attributes X occupies first place in the hierarchical order in society B, while attributes X but not Y attributes are most important.
Thus empirically, the elements that are attributes of charismatic male leaders were closely related to each other making it difficult to split, but a division based on sequence analysis of the importance of the attributes that can be done. In our opinion, the division is important, because it provides a better understanding of tajan typical motifs in his authoritative leadership system. As far as the author, this is not breathing performed by the anthropologists that arise opinion that the type of authoritative leadership is the same man in a society different. Comments so of course other than to obscure our knowledge of the leadership system, also caused the growth of the attitude "already know" on us and cause us no mood to find out more about the mechanisms underlying it. Conversely, if we create a paradigm of the qualities which are essential qualities in societies different, it will open new perspectives for us to ask what the basis of similarities or differences and at the same time we try to answer mncari.
I.3. Types of Men's charismatic leader.
Betolak of the above rationale and on the basis of observation in the field sendri studies sendii wearing a study of the shellfish-ethnographic essays discussing the leadership system of male authority in Papua Wes, the leadership system can be divided according to two forms. The first form is the leader in the property based on wealth, its leaders called smart entrepreneurial leaders, and the second form of leadership that is based on the courage to lead the war, its leaders called warlords.
I.3.1. Men charismatic leader based on entrepreneurial skills.
This sub-section titled thus based on two reasons. The first reason is the reason that is based on the opinion of some anthropologists, while the second reason is based on supporting pendangan the leadership system itself.
The first reason, the opinion of the anthropologist, for example, comes from F. Barth (1963:6) who argues that the actions of a charismatic leader of men can be likened to a self-employed entrepreneurs or sorang. A dignified man can accumulate resources and manipulate certain people achieve their goals separately. According to Barth, the goal here might be wealth, position, and prestige. Another opinion comes from Thoden Van Velsen. According to these experts, the nature of the interaction between charismatic leaders are the same men with the interaction between the businessmen, because often the bargain between them and sometimes they deliberately to defeat or destroy another party midal opponent. This interaction determines the structure of the field pollitical (Thoden van Velsen 1973:597). Pollitical field here is the actors who are directly involved in the political process.
Except for these two opinions, there are also some other opinions from experts directly anthropological research in regional Melanesian culture. Places the presence of authoritative male leader system. In general the researchers to equate a man's dignity with a self-employed entrepreneurs (see for example articles from Strathern 1974:255; Burrigde, 1975:86; Sheffler 1965:22; Elmberg 1968; Pouwer 1957).
Next I loaded the following two examples of reasons based on public opinion supporting the system itself. The first example comes from the Me (Kapauku). ¹ in his study of the Me (Kapauku), L. Pospisil noted that the words spoken by the informant to a citizen who has the potential to become leaders of authoritative men, but to no avail, as follows: "He was one of those fools who do not understand matters of trade, because it can be tonowoi , the leader, but because he did not raise ketolololannya his wealth but he memboroskannya "(1958:79).
The second example comes from the people Maybrat. An informant from J. Pouwer say that a man who could become a political leader in the maybrat are intelligent people trade. Speech at the top is then described by the following examples: "He sells sauger (wine) was a quarter the price, the money was given to the quarter in-laws her. He received back from his two brothers-in-talen (50 cents). 50 cents is given to his brothers-in-other. From him he received "
¹ Me Name is the name now in use to replace kapauku name used by Leopold Pospisil, to name the ethnic groups inhabiting around the lake Paniai. Kapauku names that have been widely known among scientists through Pospisil's article is not liked by the population in Me alone. Feelings do not like the name Kapauku expressed directly and indirectly through various media and among other opportunities in the Village government seminar on West Papua, which was held in 1986 in Holland (now Jayapura). Residents around the lake Paniai prefer to use a name that means me a real man to call their ethnic groups. That's why in this essay the author uses the name of me as a replacement Kapauku name (see the papers sdr. Gobay R., 1986). Further explanation see point 3 under chapter III. ² term brother-in-law is the name laki2 wife. Use of the term is sometimes used also to all the relatives of the wife of ego generation.
Return a dollar. So money was berdar quarter continued until reaching 25 dollars. If there are people who succeed like this, then he can be called the weight, "the leader" (Pouwer 1957:312).
Attitude of seeking further benefits normally the case in an entrepreneur in general, known also by maybrat people as expressed in the following words: "a leader who is good at treating a commodity, in this case east of cloth ru-ra, like a bird flying missionary branch to branch to take advantage "(Elmberg 1968; karma 1970; Schoorl 1979:178, 208; Miedema 1986:31).
The examples above would be sufficient to explain why I equate a political leader ata dignified man with a big man who has the entrepreneurial skills.
Descriptions of people Maybrat, Me and the people under Muyu provide a more detailed explanation about a leader who uses wealth as a source of power.
I.3.2. authoritative male leaders based on ability to lead the war
This sub-titled so because of the ethnic groups in west Papua certain that supports the political system of male authority ³ meupakan war activities focused culture that is always needed certain people who have the courage to become community leaders. The nature of this daring element contains two elements of aggressive and orator. Both elements are closely related to each other.
Aggressive elements embodied in the form of ever kill another person, usually from the enemy in time of war, or at the time of the human head-hunting expedition. It sometimes happens also that the act of killing going on in their own group . Unless aggressive element, the element or the silver-tongued orator is also an important requirement.
A leader in the community berkebudayaan war, must have knowledge in many things that society needs to be conveyed in the speech -
³. The term war is defined here according to the definition put forward by R. Berndt (1962:232), which means planning violent acts committed by members of a particular social group on behalf of social groups against members of other social groups . The focus is a particular aspect of culture in a culture growing more distant from the other aspects and a lot of influence cultural patterns or structures that culture (Herskovits, 1948:542) . Aggressive nature can be shown also to act to kill his wife or his own brother like that ever happened to people Asmat (Mansoben, 1974:32).
Political and sometimes as a leader of the religious ceremonies more widely discussed in the sub-section below entitled "leadership system weight".
The first Europeans to visit the area Maybrat, consisting of a mapping expedition to the Netherlands in 1908. although there has been contact at the time, but the new Dutch government implementing administrative governance of the area in 1924. Ten years later, in 1934, formed the first villages that are permanently inhabited by people for business Maybrat Dutch Government. Previously, people living in scattered Maybrat in kinship groups small and often move from one place to another following their farming patterns moving.
In 1935, the Dutch government center opened the first in AITINYO and around the government center, established several villages. The formation of villages around the lake, occurred in 1950, and three years later (1953) the largest villages of the villages that have been established that a teacher and school.
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