Hamah Sagrim
Hamah Sagrim
What arises in our minds when we think of God? Is the most important thing for us. Thus contained in the minds of the mind wiyon-Na Raa wofle when they think wiyon-wofle, is a most important thing for them. Human history shows that a community can not rise higher than his religion, and spiritual history of mankind clearly shows that there is no religion greater than the idea of God. Is it abject worship or not, depending on high or low view of God held by people as adherents.
Therefore, it is always the most important issue faced by Raa Na wiyon-wiyon-wofle is wofle themselves and most importantly for a wiyon-Na Ra wofle not just what was said or done at certain moments, but their opinions about wiyon -wofle, opinions are much in their hearts. According to the psychological law, which is a secret, people tend to more resemble the image of God according to the idea of man himself, this is for Wiyon-Na Ra Wofle, they also tend to be more like the picture of wiyon-wofle as their ideas. Maybe this is not just true of individual Christians nor even just to a wiyon-Na Ra wofle own, but this also applies to Christians and Ra-Na wiyon overall wofle a church or a church. K'wiyon about the church or wofle baseball, the most obvious is the notion of wiyon-wofle, as well as the most significant message is what is said about wiyon-wofle or what is left without saying because often what is not said is that it more eloquent than what was said. Wofle baseball K'wiyon not be separated from what is expressed by wiyon-Na Ra wofle in his testimony about wiyon-wofle.
If the wiyon-Na Ra wofle we can draw a complete answer to this question; what comes to mind you, if you think wiyon-wofle? So for sure we can predict how the spirituality of people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, wiyon-Na Ra wofle in the future. If we can find out exactly how the minds of religious leaders wiyon-Wiyon-wofle about Wofle (God) is wiyon Raa-Raa Na Wofle and tmah bam-Na, then we can predict with fairly accurate wiyon state-wofle theology.
For people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, can not diragukanlagi that the greatest minds of wiyon-Na Ra is wofle-wiyon thoughts about wofle and words that mean the most in wiyon-wofle language is the word to express wiyon-wofle with divinity -- snyuk bo. According to wiyon-Na Ra wofle, a thinking and speaking skills (watum) is a divine gift, for men and wiyon-Na Ra wofle. Wiyon-Na Ra wofle closely related to the Lord, who conceived as wiyon-wofle and can not be separated from him. Immense significance that the first word is the word: in the Biblical record, the word was with God and the Word was God. So in faith believe to wiyon-wofle states that; bo Tgif together with wiyon-bo wofle and Tgif is wiyon-wofle. Wiyon-Na Ra wofle holding this secret and they can speak for wiyon-wofle been talking to them, because according wiyon-Na Ra wofle in wiyon-wofle words and ideas can not separated.
It is important for wiyon-Na Ra wofle that their ideas about wiyon-wofle as close as possible to the situation wiyon-wofle (God) the truth. Compared with those who do not mind really about wiyon-wofle, the statement of faith wiyon-Na Ra wofle has hardly any meaning, if they are real ideas about wiyon-embedded wofle far behind wiyon-religious understanding those who do not wofle conventional and perhaps to explore and express them, and they really could not find a reason that does not mean it. Wiyon-Na Ra wofle said that they would be able to see what they believe about wiyon-wofle, they only bother with investigating the circumstances of their own self-bol kwiyon in wofle.
Maybrat people's views, Imian, Sawiat, saying that their God is conceived as a wiyon-wofle basis not only of theology wiyon-wofle systematic, but also of life-wiyon practical wofle (wiyon mber). This is very important to worship them, just as important as the foundation for building the temple of God - k'wiyon-bol wofle; if the foundation is not adequate or are not perpendicular, then sooner or later the building would collapse. I believe that almost all errors in doctrine or failure in implementing wiyon-wofle ethics and Christian ethics, when the investigate, will it proceed from a less than perfect view, and less precious about wiyon-wofle and God.
In my opinion, this view of the wiyon-lasim there wofle the mid-nineteenth century was so down and lost so far below the glory. For people Maybrat Imain Sawiat and wiyon-Na Ra wofle, actually it is a moral decline. Wiyon-Na Ra wofle said that although all the issues in Heaven (Sappho sawro ro) and all the problems on earth (ro tabam Sappho), does not mean anything compared to the question of wiyon-wofle (Sappho wiyon ro-wofle) - confidential The LORD is so big. Wiyon-Na Ra wofle have the right beliefs about wiyon-wofle, which they will be exempted from various kinds of problems are temporary, because he immediately could see that somehow all the problems she experienced was not so annoying for a long time. But even if the load is doubled when it might be removed therefrom and for wiyon-Na Ra wofle, a great burden and eternal will hit them with heavier and more damaging in the final trial compared to all the trouble in this world are spliced together. Great burden was their duty to their God-wiyon all wofle and their behavior. In that obligation, the duty-wiyon Raa Na wofle to immediately and forever love God - Wiyon-Wofle with all the power of the soul and the mind to obey him completely and serve them in a way that can be received. And when conscience wiyon-Na Ra wofle have worked hard had told him that he was not carrying out these things, if it has since graduated from wiyon-Ra wofle there and had done something wrong because that rebelled against wiyon-wofle, such that any an inner pressure of self mepersalahkan it may be too heavy to bear.
As is the case, the gospel can lift the burden of destroying the people who believe in the mind, can give beauty to the already shattered, and meets a depressed soul with praise. But if people did not feel the pressure of that burden, then the gospel to him does not mean anything and if he can not see that God is high and noble, he will not erasakan burden and suffering. Low view of God, it destroys the gospel. Perhaps because the human heart that tend to sin and the sins of the form that is more severe and hated by God is rebellion against God.
A principle that is attached to the self and the Lord God of evangelical wiyon-wofle, they each hold the same beliefs about what the nature of their God-wofle hate wiyon Ra-na wiyon who rebelled against him wofle to the Lord even evangelical, God also hates people who rebelled against him. A God who is the shadow of the heart that has sinned certainly not at all resemble the true God. Didalan book of Psalms, the Lord said to the bad guys so; you thought that I was one like yourself? (Psalm 50:21). This certainly is a big insult to God Most High, while wiyon-wofle, said people are entitled to come to me, interact with me, entering sacred space, are people who do not rebel or adultery against me because before wiyon-wofle always called, yron, yron, and yron (eternal, everlasting, eternal), so that there is in God's sight before him injilin which the Cherubim and Seraphim continually shouted, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts.
Let us be careful to recognize that religions have, do not let that dogmatics of a particular religion we so hated mendeskritkan religions other, we actually know each other and each religion is the core of a good religion will be seen from the treatment of adherents, views from the fruit, and the results, note the tree and the quality and value.
The wrong notion of God would soon destroy the religion who subscribe to that notion. The long road of life from the people of Israel clearly state this and the history of the church to strengthen the statement. Maybrat the historical record, Imian, Sawiat, winding also said the same thing. So the church was essential to have a high concept of God, because if for whatever reason, that concept into decline, the church in worship and moral standards also fell with him. For any church including wiyon-wofle, the first step in the decline began at the church released a high view of God.
In Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat Papua, before wiyon-wofle theology began deteriorating, there is damage to terlebihdahulu simple theology, but it is the basis of wiyon-wofle destruction. Obligations of the most severe and must be shouldered by every religion, mystical religion, religious reformer, western religion, tribe or religion is to purify and elevate their concept of God who was also in accordance with their respective church and in all the prayers and efforts of each religion, it must have major value. The greatest service which must be done each subsequent religious superiors to pass on their generation in the concept of God is great, firm, and intact as we received from our ancestors from generation to generation the past, namely the history of their religion. This is something precious to the religious adherent compared with works of art or science and scientia.